
Cabernet is proud to introduce to you our newest champion, Whisper. She finished as a puppy with her necessary singles and three 4 pt majors. Two of her major wins were at Poodle Specialties as well as being awarded Best Puppy In Show. All of this before one year of age.

Whisper is home now enjoying the retired life of a Puppy Champion. When she is two and has her testing completed we will be looking for a suitable boy to breed her to.

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Every April we look forward to attending and showing one of our dogs at the Poodle Club of America National.
This year we proudly showed two. 


Talitha did a beautiful job of showing herself with our friend and handler Chris at the end of the lead. We were thrilled with her winning the Open bitch class so when the judge pointed to her for Reserve Winners Bitch it was beyond belief. Such a wonderful win under a renown breeder judge! 
Talitha was only shown seven times and was awarded four majors which gave her four more points than needed for her AKC championship. Talitha is now retired, and we look forward to breeding her.

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Tove is the quintessential show dog which we saw early on. She has quite the record of wins.

At four months of age, she was Best 4-6 Puppy In Show at the Mission Trail Poodle Specialty.

Not shown again until she was five months old she was Best 4-6 Puppy in Show over 100+ puppies at the Del Valle KC.

Not shown again until she was six months and a few days old, at the Wine Country KC show, she went back to back Best of Variety over specials.

Tove’s next show was two months later at the San Bernardino-Riverside Poodle Club Specialty.

She went Best Puppy in Show, Best of Winners, and Best Opposite Sex over bitch specials.

Her next show was a month later when she was a newly turned 10-month-old. She went Best of Variety and Group 3.

Now it was time to go to North Carolina for Chris and Rachel to show her. She attended the 2015 Poodle Club of America National and was awarded third in her 9-12 month class. She came home a champion with a couple more group placements at all breed shows.

Now it was time for Tove to be a companion. For an entire year, she lived the life of being our “pet,” girl. She loved sleeping on the bed, going to our business, going for walks along the San Francisco Bay, and meeting new friends who didn’t understand her trim.

When we decided to send her to the 2016 Poodle Club of America National, we thought that we should see if she still enjoyed showing otherwise there was no use in having her go.

Olivia took her out two weeks before the National, and she went Best of Variety and Group 2 in a very competitive Non-Sporting Group, so off to the National she was going

At the National on the day that Standard Specials were shown she walked into the ring with 48 other poodles who were Champions. We were so proud of her, and our only expectation was to represent Cabernet Poodles with pride. She did more than that. In extremely competitive competition because of the depth of quality, she and Olivia made it through the cuts to the final line-up. Even though she was not pointed to, in the end, she made us Cabernet Proud.

We’re excited to breed Tove and continue Cabernet.