Wire Fox Terrier Sky

GCH After All Painting the Sky

  photo GCH. Afterall Painting the Sky (Sky) Meet Sky, our wire fox terrier who won Best In Show at the 138th Westminster Kennel Club Show that is held each February in New York City at Madison Square Garden. This final show for Sky topped off her Best In Show win at the Philadelphia National Show held and viewed on television every Thanksgiving, Best In Show at the prestigious AKC Eukanuba Championship held each December in Orlando Florida, and third runner up to Best In Show at the World Show when it was held in Paris. And I would be remiss not to mention her Best In Show at the biggest terrier show in the world, Montgomery County Terrier Show. Sky finished her two year career as the #1 All Breed Dog for every month in the year 2013 and was awarded 129 Best In Show titles. Judges have said that Sky has that little something extra that one can see. They have also described it as “the IT factor.” To say that Diane, Scott, and I are proud of Sky doesn’t even begin to put into words how we feel about the wonderful journey she took the three of us on. It’s a dream that breeders, owners, handlers wish for and we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity for the dream to come true. Thank you Sky and thank you world reknown terrier handler, Gabriel Rangel, for your hard work and skill that you put into Sky.